Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Heading Off to Sister Cities!

I have the pleasure of accompanying a delegation from Pasadena to two of our sister cities: Järvenpää, Finland, and Ludwigshafen, Germany. In the nearly 18 years that I have been here, this has been my first invitation. Good things come to. . .well, you know the rest.

We’re heading out on Sunday, June 15, and will return on Sunday, June 22. Many in the delegation will continue on with tours of other European cities, but a handful of us are on tight timelines and must return home.

Before any of my usual “fans” out there get a bee in their bonnet about taxpayer dollars, don’t worry – every dime of my expenses is being paid out of my very own bank account – not one cent from the city budget.

The reason for the trip is very special one: We’re celebrating the 60th anniversary of Pasadena’s relationship with Ludwigshafen (pronounced LOOD-vigs-hoff-in) and our 25th with Järvenpää (pronounced YAR-ven-pah).

A delegation from Ludwigshafen was here in May for a week of celebrations and tours, and I was honored to meet so many of that historic city’s officials and residents. And now, the celebration will continue when they host us.


  1. Well, well, well. Welcome to the blogosphere.

    Adding you to my blogroll under Pasadena blogs and will mention your blog today.

    - AP

  2. Is Bogaard's trip also payed for out of his pocket? :-)

    - AP

  3. Have a great trip! We look forward to seeing photos from both places.

    If you run into any tennis fans in Finland, be sure to mention Jarkko Nieminen. He's a current player on the men's tour (#25 in the world) and Finland's most successful tennis player ever. I've seen him a couple of times at the Pacific Life Open in Indian Wells.

    Unsolicited advice: Start going to bed early and getting up early so you get a jump start on jet lag. It's especially important since your trip is on the shorter side.

  4. Yes, Mayor Bogaard is paying his own way. It is not reasonable to expect taxpayers to fund this type of trip (in this town, anyway).

  5. Who's 40-Ton Tourist and the Curran lady listed on your blog list?

  6. Have a wonderful Sister City adventure!

    Did you know that the YWCA Pasadena-Foothill Valley now has a blog that strives to examine racial and gender differences? I hope you'll link to it.

