Thursday, June 26, 2008

Pasadena and Beverly Hills Merge in Chinatown

I met for lunch today with Cheryl Friedling, deputy city manager of public affairs for the City of Beverly Hills, and Cheryl Burnett, public relations manager for that city. We decided to meet somewhat in the middle and chose Chinatown.

Many people think the Plum Tree Inn on Hill Street has closed, but it hasn't -- it has moved just a block over to Broadway, to bigger digs.

This is the middle section of a gigantic, three-panel mosaic on the front of the building:

Shoes for sale on an outdoor rack next door:

Good friends of mine, Sheri Benninghoven and Scott Summerfield of SAE Communications, were hired to create a communications plan for the City of Beverly Hills. Cheryl F. and her staff are implementing it.

I met Cheryl F. once before, when she was a finalist candidate and I sat on one of the interview panels.

That was nearly a year ago and I'm really pleased that it worked out.


  1. There are so many restaurants in Chinatown, and I always wonder which ones are the best. Thanks for the tip!
