Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Eli Stone Shot at City Hall

For all of you "Eli Stone" fans, yesterday Pasadena City Hall was the setting for a full day of production on the series. Our beautiful building doubled as a San Francisco courthouse, and in addition the north side of the building starred as a building in Washington, D.C.

As always with filming here, staff and visitors walking through the corridors or the courtyard had to stop and wait from time to time, but we're used to that by now. It's fun to see the goings on, plus it's remarkable to watch the dozens and dozens of crew people behind the scenes who make a location shoot possible.

We weren't allowed to take photos so you'll have to have to watch the new season this fall to see our most famous local landmark. (Occasionally when there's a shoot here, a passerby takes photos and posts them on Flikr or some other shared site, but I couldn't find anything for this one.)

Ariel Penn and her staff in our filming office work very hard with location scouts and other industry professionals to attract and promote filming in Pasadena. Do you think your property could be a star? Learn more here.


  1. Who was shot at City Hall?!

    Oh, meant SHOOT!

    You scared me there for a 2nd.

  2. Ann, great about you setting up a bloggers tour of City Hall! I'll treat you to a meal just 4 that.

    Just wait until I get my camera!

  3. Apparently I'm following Life Observer around the web, begging for tours and offering meals. If you decide to do a blogger tour, please count me in. I'd especially love to see some of the photos you told me about. (And I'll pitch in for Ann's lunch, L.O.)

  4. Mike, you inspired me to remove one letter from the title, thereby making it a double entendre. Brilliant!

    Petrea, do you know who has the master email list for the Bloggers Picnic? I'm thinking that might be the best way to go for sending out invitations for a City Hall bloggers tour.

  5. Aaron sent out the invite list for the last blogger get-together. His list is probably the most complete, plus I have additions for it. I'll be glad to help in any way I can.

    You're ambitious and generous!

  6. Ann, I love it! how fun! Also, would love a blogger tour of city hall. Definitely count me in.

  7. Yes, yes...blogger tour of City Hall! I want to go to the top of the dome. Can we? Pretty please?

  8. WCGB in St Louis: the tour has reached it 300 blogger limit & is now closed!!!!

    The tour is free. But for late door bangers like yourself, there is a late penalty & interest payable to the official city blogger of $1,000.

    hohoho hohoho...

  9. We gotta start filming my new version of "The Prisoner" at City Hall.

    But The Proc doesn't need a permit.
