Tuesday, November 25, 2008

There's Still Time to Throw Your Hat in the Ring!

On March 10 voters will choose representatives for City Council Districts 3, 5 and 7, and Board of Education Seats 1, 3, 5 and 7.

To run for one of the council districts, you must be 18 or older, and registered to vote in the specific district you're interested in.

To run for one of the school board seats, you must be 18 or older and registered to vote anywhere within the Pasadena Unified School District boundaries.

Complete and file nominating papers by Dec. 12 at the City Clerk's Office, Room S228 at Pasadena City Hall.

Visit here or call (626) 744-4124 for more information.


  1. Thank you, Ann, but I'm busy right now with the holidays and such. Are you running for anything? I'll vote for you.

  2. I guess being adjacent puts me out of the running. Too bad, I would have been fabulous.

  3. Can i throw my hat in the ring for City Cat Catcher?
    I'll work for $1 year salary if the city budget is a problem.

  4. I'll put in a good word for you, Mike.

  5. I've never understood the phrase "three sheets to the wind"

  6. I'm back and I now know...
    To understand this phrase we need to enter the arcane world of nautical terminology. Sailors' language is, unsurprisingly, all at sea and many supposed derivations have to go by the board. Don't be taken aback to hear that sheets aren't sails, as landlubbers might expect, but ropes (or occasionally, chains). These are fixed to the lower corners of sails, to hold them in place. If three sheets are loose and blowing about in the wind then the sails will flap and the boat will lurch about like a drunken sailor.

    If I was Mademoiselle Gramophone, I'd attache a sea shanty to this

  7. No Miss H., apparently all you need is $25 and 100 signatures to toss your hat in the ring for the BOE. If you're really rich, then you'll of course want to plunk down the optional $2000 to have a statement printed in the sample ballot.
    From looking at the pictures of the board members on PUSD's website, they all have a good 20 years on me with the possible exception of Lizardo (but he makes up for it in girth).
    I thought about it, but I wouldn't fit in and I don't have two grand to spare.
