Thursday, February 5, 2009

What a Day for a Fire Alarm!

The hundreds of employees at Pasadena City Hall were just minding our business late this afternoon when the fire alarm went off. A fire alarm in the rain seems somewhat ironic, but there it was!

So out of the building we went and to our appointed locations across the street until Pasadena fire officials announced that it was safe to go back indoors.

It was nice to catch up with a few people I hadn't seen in awhile.

My camera battery was dead so I snapped this shot with my Treo.


  1. Not a bad shot for a Treo! I hope you all didn't get soaked.

  2. A little dark and grainy but I tried!

  3. Was it pouring cats & people at the time?

  4. Cats, dogs, gerbils, gila monsters, wombats, you name it -- it was coming down! We just had to wait it out until we go the signal to head back inside.

  5. What a horrible day to be stuck outside. It was bad enough riding my bike to class. I was drenched.

  6. Okay, I'm ashamed that this is my first visit to your blog... But now I know where to go to find the real scoop on all things Pasadena!

    I am with Petrea, this is a great shot for a Treo!

  7. Looks like you made good use of your imposed exile.

  8. uh oh...what's a Treo?

  9. PA, a Treo is a variation of an Oreo. The Treo has 3 crackers, instead of the usual 2, with the cream inside. Similar to a 3 bun burger relative to the usual 2.
    What's the advantage over the normal Oreo? As you can see the Treo can do other things beside being eaten.

    And, that's the rest of the story.

  10. Mike is close (and a kidder!). A Treo is sort of a clone of a Blackberry.
