Thursday, March 5, 2009

Composting Made Easy

Composting helps improve soil structure and water conservation, and reduces the amount of waste that would otherwise go to the landfill.

If you don't have a compost bin yet, or if you do but want to get an additional one, come over to the Victory Park Farmers Market in the Pasadena High School parking lot this coming Saturday from 8 a.m. to noon and the Public Works Department will sell you one for dirt cheap! Soil Saver compost bins will be available for $40 each, payable by cash or check only.

Public Works staff will provide information on how to improve plant growth by using kitchen scraps and lawn cuttings. You'll also learn how to cultivate worms!

Composting is a great investment for your wallet, your household and our Green City!

The EPA has a nice little web page with some tips and more info about composting.

Still have questions? Gabriel Silva is our recycling coordinator. His number is (626) 744-4721.


  1. Hmmmm,..Suspicious fingerprints all over this. Did the ADena Hiker help you write this compost post?

  2. Yay yay yay! I hope they have enough of them because I'm usually not a Farmer's Market early bird.
