Taka is third from the right.
Many of us came with our "10" scores (thanks, Vannia!) that we waved while she was onstage. Here we are with her after the show.
Back row, left to right: Pam Thyret, field representative to Councilman Sid Tyler; yours truly; Ariel Penn, the city's filming and special events coordinator; Rhonda Stone, field representative to Vice Mayor Steve Haderlein; and Margo Morales Fuller, field representative to Councilwoman Margaret McAustin.
Front row, left to right: The Star; Vannia De La Cuba, field representative to Councilman Victor Gordo; and Tina Williams, field representative to Councilwoman Jacque Robinson.
Tell me you left out, PIO, that she she offers free lessons - or at least free to K9's!