Monday, April 13, 2009

Heading Off to CAPIO

I've been a member of the California Association of Public Information Officials (CAPIO) for 23 years.

I joined when I was the PIO for the City of Palm Springs and dutifully paid my membership dues annually.

That is, I paid them until I was given a lifetime free membership when I was given the coveted Paul B. Clark Award. Not to toot my own horn (well, OK, I will), but that award was one of the pinnacles of my career.

The Paul B. Clark Award is presented occasionally to the PIO who, in the judgment of the CAPIO Board of Directors, demonstrates exceptional leadership in the field through professional commitment, including the mentoring of others and fostering a greater understanding of the PIO function among colleagues, community and the media.

Through the years, I have sat on the CAPIO Board of Directors, attended most of the annual conferences, taught many conference workshops and made long-lasting friends.

So I'm off again, this time to San Diego where the conference will take place from Tuesday through Friday.

I'll do some blogging while I'm there to let you know what I'm up to.

And then, the following week, I'm off to Memphis! I'll blog my way through that trip, too.

Stay tuned!


  1. I always knew you were good, but award winning good? That's pretty cool.

    Have fun in SD.

  2. I saw a PIO on TV yesterday morning. Heck, I could come off better discussing his agency than him! If you see him at the CaPio, give him some lessons.

  3. I am very impressed, and I am glad you were recognized for your talent and hard work.

  4. I can so see you getting this award. Man...woman, you've been on the move!
