Saturday, August 22, 2009

What Do You Think?

As Pasadena’s General Plan is updated, it's important to include the perspectives of everyone in the community.

The City of Pasadena is making it easy for you! From Aug. 22 through Sept. 27, you can take one or more MoveAbout Tours and share your thoughts with city planners.

Each of the six self-guided tours has been designed to highlight specific issues such as residential density, walkability, bikeability, architectural design, open space, re-use of historic buildings and more.

Guidebooks with simple instructions, background information, questions to consider, maps and more are available at locations throughout Pasadena including City Hall, public libraries and community centers.

Look for this poster -- the MoveAbout guidebooks will be nearby.

Take one or more of the tours on your own, with friends, family or co-workers. Be sure to get your guidebook stamped by merchants along the way so you'll be eligible for free prizes at a General Plan community open house in November. (You'll need to turn your guidebook(s) in no later than Sept. 14 at any of the locations where they're available.)

The ARTS Bus and Walking Tour combines a ride through Pasadena’s biotechnology and health care district and a walking tour through one of the community’s oldest residential neighborhoods.

On the Bicycle Tour you'll experience a variety of streets designated or soon-to-be designated for bicycle travel, visit several parks and see the city’s latest solar installation.

Driving? On the Driving Tour East you'll experience a neighborhood that's transitioning from residential to industrial uses, a group of suburban-oriented residential and commercial developments, and some of Pasadena’s ethnic commercial business districts. You can also choose the Driving Tour West to experience the diversity of Pasadena’s built landscape as you drive from the health care and biotechnology corridor to a thriving transit-oriented urban center and historic northwest neighborhoods that are in transition.

If you haven't traveled via light rail lately, go on the Gold Line Tour! You'll visit four of the six stations in Pasadena and experience some adjacent mixed-use housing and commercial developments.

If you love the great outdoors, you'll love the Open Space Tour that includes a full range of Pasadena’s parks, community gardens and more.

The MoveAbout Tours are part of a community outreach effort that has been launched to help Pasadenans speak their minds about four of the most important elements (chapters) of the General Plan: Land Use (where different types of buildings should be located), Mobility (how we get from place to place), and Open Space and Conservation (how open space and natural resources should be preserved). These critical elements will guide how Pasadena grows and changes, how parks and open space are prioritized, and how people will move around town in the future.

Now get up and go!


  1. Wow! These tours look great---perfect for local bloggers looking for fresh material.

  2. Any idea what the raffle prizes are? Rose Parade tickets, for example?

  3. Probably the prize is just a couple of Rose Bowl game tixs.

  4. I like that Pasadena is really making an effort to get the community involved in the General Plan. I honestly haven't heard of any other cities doing things like these tours or bike rides. Very cool.

  5. No idea what the raffle prizes are, Kelly, but I presume they're even more fabulous than Mystery History prizes!

  6. Can we printout from the PDF & use that, or do we have to get an official one? This looks really cool. I think I'll have to find some time to do these.
