Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Mystery History

Where are we? And what's happening?

The first person to guess correctly will win a fabulous prize!

I'll have the full scoop on Thursday.


Susan C said...

Is it Canto Robledo, the blind Latino boxing sensation, who will be honored by the City?

Anonymous said...

And who can forget that Robledo trained the heavy weight Bellflower Bomber, Jerry Quarry?

Bellflower...next to Cudahy.

Yay Susan

Margaret said...

Well these guys sound like they know, but I sure don't.

kevin at Time River Productions said...

the early bird caught the worm.
Here is a link to the answer:


Cafe Pasadena said...

Great one!
Yeah, Canto Robledo.

Since almost everyone here has the answer, I guess de PIO will have to toss all our names in a hat, then pick the winner.

Susan C said...

Cafe, you know that's not how it works. As Kevin said, the early bird gets the worm and the prize.

I love daylight savings time!

Anonymous said...

Outclassed again. It's a wonder I ever won a t-shirt. I must have cheated.

pasadenapio said...

Although if it makes you feel any better, Kevin, there have been plenty of times when the correct guess didn't come in until late Wednesday or even early Thursday morning. Keep hope alive!

kevin at Time River Productions said...

I know, Ann. I was just trying to be "witty." I still stand by my earlier statement: "The early bird may catch the worm, but the late worm avoids the early bird."

Bellis said...
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Fotografia Ĺšlubna Warszawa said...

I like very much such kind of photos :)