There have been many requests for tours of Pasadena City Hall by local bloggers over the years, so now's your chance!
Join me for a behind-the-scenes tour of the 1920s-era building, including background about the history and architecture of Pasadena's most famous landmark.

We'll meet in the courtyard at noon, then go along corridors, into stairwells, all around the courtyard, up to the council chamber, into the Hall of Mayors, and every other little nook and cranny (with the exception of the tower, which is off-limits on tours).
Don't forget your camera!
After the tour, we'll head over to California Pizza Kitchen across the street at Plaza Las Fuentes for food and those all-important beverages.
Parking: My best advice is to leave your car behind and take the Metro Gold Line to the Memorial Park Station, then walk a short block and a half to City Hall. If you're totally tied to your vehicle, the first 90 minutes are free under Paseo Colorado just a block away; there are also a couple of surface parking lots in the area. Please note I cannot provide parking validations.
For more information e-mail me at or call me at (626) 744-4755.
Please note this is not a "y'all come" community tour -- I can't accommodate a cast of thousands! For all you bloggers, I hope you can make it!
All of the photos above were shot by Tavo Olmos; I commissioned the black and white photos in 1991.
I've been your John the Baptist on this thing, heralding your coming!
Yes, it's important to note this particular tour is primarily for local blogger's. And, this is gonna bee a real special tour - our tourguide might even feel a bit tired after this.
Thanks, PIO, for doing the heavy lifting on this!
Ann, how exciting! I've been begging for a "behind the scenes" tour of the City Hall.
Can't wait!!! See you next Saturday!
I'm pretty excited for this momentous occasion!
Love it!!! I'm planning on being there!!!
Groovy but what time?
Is it 12 noon or 5pm? I'm fluid either way.
I did a brief video of the court yard a few weeks back so I would love the opportunity to show more architectural details.
Waah! I wish I'd known! Will there ever be a "next time?"
Very cool! I actually think I can come!!! :)
Gena, it's at noon. We'll meet in the courtyard.
Petrea, I'm sure there will be another opportunity someday.
90% sure i will be there +1
Ack! I have to work. Too bad for me.
I'm at The Huntington, but will try to catch up around 1:30.
WV: ingov
Can't you miss a day's pay, KB??
Anybody who can't find us on Saturday may call me on my cell: (626) 375-2742.
Thank you! What a nice thing to do. I have to go to Spain right now. Sorry. I'll bring you back a fabulous prize.
Unfortunately, i have a previous appointment that can't be delayed. I'll be with Petrea on the next go-round!
Sounds very interesting. I will try to make it, but we're packed since it is Mother's day weekend. Can I bring my wife and toddler?
Yes, absolutely -- brings the family!
I'll be there!
Ann, sounds like a great event! As if you needed anything else on your plate, you busy lady! I'm calendaring it and will make every effort to attend. I would love to see our City Hall in this manner. Take care, and thanks for this opportunity.
I'll have to take a raincheck. I have prior commitments that include a retreat. Perhaps you can wave to me from up on high?
I will be there! I am a Pasadena native and I've always appreciated the beauty of city hall. I look forward to the inside scoop.
Wow, I'm a latecomer to the information on this, and I'm bummed that I'm not sure I can make it! It's already Saturday morning and, pretty discombobulated from my trip. Enjoy, everyone!
stuck at work and can't make it. have fun everyone!
Fun times today, PIO! Thanks Ann.
Thanks for your post,…Very good information
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