Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Mystery History

Where are we? And what's happening?

The first person to guess correctly will win a fabulous prize!

I'll have the full scoop on Thursday.


  1. The Mother Goose Pantry Restaurant on Colorado Blvd, built 1929. Nathaniel West used it as inspiration for the Cinderella Bar in Day of the Locust.

  2. Oh Altadenahiker you beat me. You could enjoy "Texas tamales with Mt. Baldy orange juice". It was two stories tall - a dining room being on the second floor.
    Great to learn about Day of the Locust connection.

  3. So they didn't serve broth without any bread?

    Are the children in the photo from the Pasadena Preventorium, by any chance?

  4. It's a submarine that eats children.

  5. Oh, let me tell you, growing up in Illinois I knew about this place! I desperately wanted to go there! I don't even know if it existed in the 1960s but I saw a picture of it somewhere and I had an imagination.
