Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Mystery History

Where are we? And what's happening?

The first person to guess correctly will win a fabulous prize!

I'll have the full scoop on Thursday.


  1. Officials tour Wrigley Mansion, circa 1958. Donated to COP after Mrs Wrigley's death as permanent headquarters for T O Roses.

    (People sure liked their gum back then.)

  2. That's Spencer Tracy in the middle; Ross Perot is on the far right; the guy on the left with the smile is the fireplace salesmen who is having a private moment, thinking he's put one over on the owner of the Rialto Theater in South Pasadena by having him install a fireplace in the lobby. Or, it might be something else altogether.

  3. Where are we?

    I don't know where you are but I'm at home

    What's happening?

    I'm typing this comment

  4. Ok,well my 1st thot was Tournament House! Click to make a comment & 1st thing I see is KB aka Altahiker with her Wrigley Gum Mansion aka Tournament House donation from the Cops.
    So, I gotta get up earlier than this.

    I dunno who the 3 suits are xcept they appear 2 be suit models.

  5. Chew it, Cafe. You've got to get up before noon.

  6. I hope you're all wrong, but I expect Karen's nailed it, and I can't think of a more deserving person. There's another fireplace in the Wrigley House that has a very interesting history, and they think that when it arrived from Italy, it was assembled upside down.

  7. On 2nd thot after deeper reflection, I think maybe PA has the better answer!!

    Just a thot...
