Tuesday, Dec. 14, from 8 to 10 a.m. –- If you own a small business, are a business manager or are on a local sales team, plan on attending
“E-marketing Unplugged,” a workshop sponsored by the
City of Pasadena and the
Pasadena Chamber of Commerce in the Press Box (second floor) of the
Rose Bowl Stadium. Enter through Gate F.

Tuesday, Dec. 14, at 10 a.m. –-
Flights of Fantasy Story Theatre will entertain children with stories about Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa and the wonder of the solstice in the Donald R. Wright Auditorium at
Pasadena Central Library.

Tuesday, Dec. 14, at 4 p.m. –- Children will make winter crafts at
Hastings Branch Library.

Wednesday, Dec. 15, at 10:30 a.m. -– Preschoolers will have a happy holiday storytime at
San Rafael Branch Library.

Wednesday, Dec. 15, at 1 p.m. – This week’s film in the Donald R. Wright Auditorium at Pasadena Central Library is “A Christmas Carol” starring George C. Scott as Scrooge. (626) 744-4066.

Wednesday, Dec. 15, at 6 p.m. -- Why should you care about California's new green building code and Pasadena's amendments to it? Learn more
at a meeting at the
Permit Center (enter through the Ramona Street door).

Wednesday, Dec. 15, at 6:30 p.m. -– What’s the future of Lincoln Avenue? There have been a number of
focus groups and other meetings about the draft Lincoln Avenue Specific Plan.
Learn more and review a draft of the plan at the Northwest Education Center.

Thursday, Dec. 16, from 3 to 6:30 p.m. -– The
Neighborhood Connections Office will host a holiday open house where you’ll enjoy refreshments and meet neighborhood leaders and city officials at 1384 E. Walnut St. (626) 744-7290.

Thursday, Dec. 16, at 3:30 p.m. –- Make ornaments, listen to stories, enjoy special treats and help decorate the Christmas tree at
Lamanda Park Branch Library, 140 S. Altadena Dr. (626) 744-7266.

Saturday, Dec. 18, at 10 a.m. -– Children will enjoy holiday fun and hear stories about Hanukkah, Christmas and Kwanzaa in the Story Room at Pasadena Central Library.

Saturday, Dec. 18, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. -– The Festival of Giving at
Victory Park, 2575 Paloma St., will include photos with Santa, arts and crafts, a gift-wrapping fundraiser and a bake sale. Please consider bringing a new, unwrapped gift for the
Spark of Love Toy Drive and non-perishable food items and gently used outerwear for
Union Station Homeless Services. Please note that items for donation may be dropped off at Victory Park through Dec. 23. (626) 744-7507.
Please note all events are free and open to the public. See more community events
I skipped the early morning walk around the RB w/ the mayor in the summer weather this month.
As far as you know does the heater in the RB pressbox still work, particular at 8am? Just asking.
Thhanks for writing
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