Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Mystery History

Where are we? And what's happening?

The first person to guess correctly will win my heart (since I was still recuperating on Valentine's Day).

I'll have the full scoop on Thursday.


  1. Yay! Welcome back, Ann, at least for a few more weeks. I have deduced that this scene depicts a playful kidnapping (remember those?!). Since they are all young women, perhaps they are from the YWCA, which has recently been in the local news. Maybe they are at Brookside Park? Central Park?

  2. ...oh, and maybe it is an initiation of some sort...

  3. I'm so happy you're back on the blog, and what a treat to start with a Mystery History. We've so missed those (and you). But this one is hard. The young ladies could be from the Y. Did they have initiation ceremonies? Why the cat masks? Hopefully someone wiser will help me out.

  4. This is part of screening process that all new prospective PIO's have had to endure through the decades of Pasadena's history.

    It's part of the Pasadena Way.

  5. Sorority initiation, in the forties?

    I'm glad you're back, and hope you're feeling well.

  6. Welcome back. In those years, they were known as "Restrictive Clubs" at P.J.C.
