Tuesday, June 21, at 6:30 p.m. – Councilman
Steve Madison will host a
District 6 town hall meeting in the Crawford Family Forum at
Southern California Public Radio, 474 S. Raymond Ave. Special guest Vince Bertoni, director of
planning, will discuss the
General Plan and the future of Pasadena.

Wednesday, June 22, at 1 p.m. – This week’s free film in the Donald R. Wright Auditorium at
Pasadena Central Library, 285 E. Walnut St., is “Away from Her” (2006, PG-13) starring Julie Christie, Gordon Pinsent and Olympia Dukakis in the story of a man who plunges into an emotional abyss after moving his Alzheimer’s-stricken wife to a nursing facility. Christie earned an Oscar nomination for her portrayal of the fading yet graceful Fiona. (626) 744-4066.

Thursday, June 23, 2:30 to 4 p.m. – Learn about the four alternatives to the
General Plan land use and mobility updates and how they would affect jobs, housing, greenhouse gas emissions and more. This workshop in the Creveling Lounge
(Building CC) at
Pasadena City College, 1570 E. Colorado Blvd., will include exhibits, presentations on the alternatives and an opportunity to ask questions of the community members who helped draft the alternatives.
The next opportunity to learn more about the General Plan is Saturday, June 25, from 9;30 to 11:30 a.m. in the auditorium at
Madison Elementary School, 515 E. Ashtabula St.

Saturday, June 25, at 10 a.m. – Children 12 and under will enjoy “Stories from the Old Country” as Flights of Fantasy Story Theatre tells folktales and fables using costumes, props and a healthy dose of laughter in the Donald R. Wright Auditorium at Pasadena Central Library, 285 E. Walnut St. This is a
Summer Reading Club event (see below).

Saturday, June 25, at 6 p.m. – About 90,000 people are expected to attend the
Gold Cup final soccer game at the
Rose Bowl Stadium, so be prepared for traffic in the areas surrounding the stadium.

Sunday, June 26, from noon to 4 p.m. –
Free HIV testing will be offered in Lot B at the Rose Bowl Stadium sponsored by California Assemblyman Anthony Portantino and the
Pasadena Public Health Department.

Through July 8 -- Take the
General Plan Survey and tell us which land use alternative, or combination of alternatives, you preferred for six planning areas. A special newsletter with information on the alternatives with the survey has been mailed to all households and businesses.

Through Aug. 14 and Aug. 20 -- It’s
Summer Reading Club time with the theme “One World, Many Stories” through Aug. 14 for children 12 and younger and through Aug. 20 for teens. They can register at their nearest Pasadena public library. Children will get a special reading log, stickers and book bag, then bring their reading records in when they’ve read 200 minutes to receive their prizes. Hey, teens: Every time you finish a book, magazine, graphic novel or audio book, fill out a prize entry slip with a bit of information about you and the item you’ve finished, then drop it into a specially designated prize box.
All events listed above are free.
See a more comprehensive schedule of events for the same time period, including commission meetings and city council meetings,
See even more community events (and add your own)