Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Welcome, City Councilman Terry Tornek

Monday night was the reorganization meeting of the Pasadena City Council.

Mayor Bill Bogaard presented a special gift to outgoing District 7 City Councilman Sid Tyler.

Councilman Tyler received a standing ovation as he took official leave of his seat and became a constituent.

City Clerk Mark Jomsky administered the oath of office to re-elected District 5 Councilman Victor Gordo, new District 7 Councilman Terry Tornek and re-elected District 3 Councilman Chris Holden.
Mayor Bogaard presented a gift to Steve Haderlein for his two years of service as vice mayor. Victor Gordo was elected the new vice mayor.

The new Pasadena City Council with the three employees who report directly to council. Front row left to right: Margaret McAustin, Bill Bogaard, Victor Gordo, Jacque Robinson; back row left to right: City Attorney Michele Bagneris, City Clerk Mark Jomsky, Steve Madison, Chris Holden, Steve Haderlein, Terry Tornek, City Manager Michael Beck.

Several weeks ago I ran a photo of the all of the current field representatives except one: Jacque McIntyre. I vowed to get a photo of her, and here she is Monday night with her boss, Chris Holden.


  1. It takes a village to run a big small town.

    It's early in the morning and I'd like to make an intelligent comment, but the first thing that comes to mind is that Mr. Holden is tall.

    The second thing is, thank you for all the photos.
