Wednesday, January 27, 2010

It Was a Grand Re-opening!

Robinson Park re-opened on Saturday with plenty of sunshine beaming down on the spectacular new field as the rain clouds started moving in again.

But nothing could rain on this parade! It was a perfect example of the city/community partnership that made the renovation possible.

A formal program got things started, with dignitaries including Chris Holden (above), City Manager Michael Beck (below) and other city and community leaders.

The official ribbon was cut by Councilman Holden and Mack Robinson's widow, Delano Robinson, surrounded by community leaders and city officials.

Then it was on to an exhbition softball game with city staff (team name: The Pasadena Bureaucrats) vs. a community team. Due to wet dirt (some might call that mud!), the new football field doubled as a baseball diamond.

Delano Robinson, wearing her brother-in-law Jackie's Dodgers training jacket, threw out the first pitch:

The city's team warmed up with stretching exercises.

Here's Bill Huang up at bat, with California Assemblyman Anthony Portantino serving as umpire. Bill is the director of our Housing Department.

City Clerk Mark Jomsky on the pitcher's mound:

Brian Biery of the Flintridge Operating Foundation (left), Steve Lizardo and Vannia De La Cuba, field representative to Vice Mayor Victor Gordo, gave magnificent color commentary!

In the catcher's position: Martin Pastucha, director of the Public Works Department.

Fire Chief Dennis Downs making a bee-line to first base:

The team shirts are part of our City of Pasadena souvenir collection. That's Patsy Lane, director of the Human Services and Recreation Department, on the left and Debbie Humphrey, executive secretary for the Libraries/Information Services Department.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the park, Pasadena police commanders were cooking hot dogs and there was a line-up of information about City of Pasadena programs and services. That's Alejandrina Flores, manager of our Neighborhood Connections Office, in the blue jacket at the first table.

I took all of the photos in this posting with the exception of two: the ribbon cutting and the first pitch, both courtesy of the Pasadena Star-News.


  1. Great photos and commentary. It is a beautiful park. It's been fun seeing it coming together as I've driven by.

  2. I was sad I couldn't make it on Saturday. Thanks for the rundown of the event!

    Will they normally play baseball on the football field? I thought I saw a diamond cut out in the corner.

  3. Ben, yes, there's a renovated baseball field but it was muddy from the rains. The artificial turf of the football field was tne perfect solution.
