Where are we? And what's happening?
The first person to guess correctly will win a fabulous prize!
I'll have the full scoop on Thursday.
Ann Erdman is the Public Information Officer for the City of Pasadena, California. You can also find her on Facebook and Twitter.
Looks like an event in preparation to build the new & improved Colorado St bridge in 1951. Dignitaries such as then Mayor Benedict are there to commemorate the event.
I thought being in the UK might give me the edge in beating out everyone living in SoCal, but I think Cafe Pasadena has beaten me. It certainly appears to be the groundbreaking ceremony for Pioneers Bridge. Interestingly, the photo is flipped horizontally, so the group are standing on the Eastern side of the Arroyo, not the West as it may seem. If anyone is interested, the LA public library online photo archive has a number of photos of the construction of this bridge.
The Observer is observant and so is UK Joseph. I recognize the bridge lights in the lower left hand corner of the picture. I really like this photo. It's "mysterious"
Yay Cafe puppy!
I'm lost on this one and will be interested to hear the answer. I see the bridge lights PA refers to, so I don't understand why ground is being broken. I'm sure I'll be enlightened on Thursday!
Well, just to say anything at all, which is usually my strategy, groundbreaking for the 210 freeway.
Well, I can't decide if it's the Pioneers Bridge or the Colorado Street bridge, but maybe it's the new road layout on the east side of the Arroyo that connects the two? At 7 am there was a clue in the top left-hand corner (it said Colorado) but I see it's been taken away now, tee hee.
Busted! I meant to crop that out in the first place.
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