Ann Erdman is the Public Information Officer for the City of Pasadena, California. You can also find her on Facebook and Twitter.
When Holly Halstead Balthis reigned as the queen of the Tournament of Roses in 1930, the Rose Bowl was only 7 years old, and, as she once noted, Old Town Pasadena was new.Halstead Street in Pasadena was named after her father, Richard Halstead, who was a prominent businessman.
Mrs. Balthis, the oldest living Rose Queen, died at age 95 of natural causes Friday at her home in Laguna Beach, said her son and sole survivor, Frank Balthis Jr.
Mrs. Balthis never dreamed her stint as Rose Queen would mean much once it ended.
"I thought it was a short deal, New Year's Day, and that'd be it," she said in a 1986 interview. "But it's something that stays with you all your life."
Indeed, in recent decades Mrs. Balthis was considered "the grand dame" of the Tournament of Roses. She remained active in tournament functions up until her death and each year welcomed the new queen.
Mrs. Balthis was born in Pasadena in 1908 and graduated from Pasadena High School in 1925.
"At first I felt overwhelmed and honored, but I think I really did it because of my dad," she said. "He was so proud of the fact he had been an early comer to Pasadena."
Her escort was her future husband, Frank S. Balthis, a Harvard law student who would later become a Superior Court judge and an appellate court justice.
Owing to the holiday and final adjustments to the required equipment, the inauguration of helicopter mail service in and out of Pasadena has been postponed from Saturday to Monday, when service is expected to go into effect sometime in the early afternoon.Here's an envelope from 1948, flown by helicopter to Los Angeles Municipal Airport and then on to Cleveland.
Particulars regarding address and rates may be obtained by calling the information clerk at the main post office.
Thursday, Nov. 12, from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. – If you’re uninsured and fit the profile for a high-risk group, get a free H1N1 vaccine at Victory Park Center, 2575 Paloma St. Saturday, Nov. 14, from 1 to 4 p.m. – Has your voice been heard? Don’t miss the open house extravaganza the marks the final event of the first phase (community engagement) of Pasadena’s General Plan update!