Where are we? And what's happening?
The first person to guess correctly will win a fabulous prize!
I'll have the full scoop on Thursday.
Ann Erdman is the Public Information Officer for the City of Pasadena, California. You can also find her on Facebook and Twitter.
Top of Mt. Lowe? Waiting for the railcar that takes you back down to Pasadena? Out for an afternoon of outdoor relaxation?
On the deck at the Raymond Hotel.
Fenyes mansion aka Pasadena Museum of History...lady is facing east.
I'm sure this is wrong, but I'm going to try anyway.
She's looking out on the Arroy from the former Vista del Arroyo Hotel.
I'm sure I'm wrong too, but I'll keep trying. The rounded scrolly towery thing looks like part of the Green Hotel. Although none of the rest of it points that way...
It is non other than the Castle Green, known in the day as the Green Hotel. This view is looking north and seems to be taken on the balcony of the penthouse, or more likely the floor just below.
I don't think it is any of those, but I don't know what it is. The crestline of the San Gabriels is almost identical to that in an old post card shot from the Raymond Hotel. However neither of the Raymond Hotels had that curved roof line or that type of scroll work motif, like is found in architect Frederick Roehrig's designs, like the Castle Green. But the angles seem wrong for the Green Hotel, and the vegetation is too lush. From that angle if it were the Green Hotel Annex, you should see the Main building of the Green Hotel where Stats is now and the rest of Old Town. The restraining cable in front of the woman does suggest that it is higher up than ground level. It also could be from a bungalow at the Vista Del Arroyo, but again the architecture doesn't match. Since i am basically giving up to return to my normal life, I do think it is near Raymond Hill. it could also be on that little hill west of Fair Oaks near Glenarm. What is puzzling is what looks like a street down there. Looks like another essay, eh, hiker?
Top of Mt Lowe??
All the good answers from been taken.
I'm going with the floor below the Green Hotel penthouse. The woman is facing east and we're definitely looking north.
Given the distance of the San Gabriels in the background, I'm guessing this structure was a bit farther south than the Green Hotel. My guess is the former Huntington Hotel? Though the architecture seems a bit off and I have no idea what business that street has being there, it's my best guess.
The Echo Mountain resort? Waiting for the ladies to come in for tea?
The ghost of Pasadena past atop the parking structure in old town Pasadena looking in a north east direction towards Ross on Foothill/Rosemead
On the west side of the Arroyo, north of the Rose Bowl, watching the construction of the 210?
This is the 1st participant of the very 1st Pasadena Move About Tour!
I'm still trying to fully understand the purpose of these tours.
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